Hi everyone, sorry its been awhile, I have been busy with work, doc apps and my father has taken a turn for the worse......The cancer has gone to his brain and all through his body,so one more trip to the city for radiation to keep the swelling down, then im not sure how much longer he has, but will hang in there for my mum
Right back to my answers.......Ages ago i asked about a lumb that i have on the right side at the base of my neck.....I got respones like rub them and they will go etc, but found out from my chiro and doc (i was asking because it had started to get quite big from time to time, and if i rubed it, it would hurt and send tingles down my tounge) that there is and i dont no what to call it but its a trigger point for nerves and such, we all have the preposion for it (again spelling bad) so rubbing it might not be allways the way to go....Anywhoo its been super painfull in my neck so he is going to give me a quarterzone (i know i spelt it wrong) shot....I was like hallaluya, my rumey wouldnt even feel it and dismisted it.....yay i might have a pain free week......So part 2 to this problem is, i really like this doc, he listens gives you what you want without thinking your a druggy, BUT he thinks fibro is a autoimunie disorder not nuro......How to i tell a doc especially 1 i like he is wrong? I have tried to lead him a certain way but with no luck....Can anyone out there put up a link about fibro that would be good for a doc to read? I thought if i went to my next app with him saying, i found this article on fibro that i thought u might find interesting!!
Yes i am trying to be sneaky, I want to heap him without breaking his conference with me......
Thanks everyone, I know i can count on you all for a awesome answer. Especially you sherrine, i know your the woman in the know of all things..