I'm not sure whether to put more fuel into the fire... but what the.....
I guess everything started with my post being block. I definitely have no objection (I HAVE NO OBJECTION) of that.
However, all i wanted to point out was, as part of fibro, IBS is a common symptoms (not everyone will have them but it is common enough that many FMS patients will have some form of IBS or another.) I think that is a fair, balanced comment.
All I wanted to share was an article from out local national news syndicate ABC (like BBC, BCB, not sure what's the equaivalent int USA) had an article with some specialist on panel talk about
wheat intolerant.
I need to point out that I DO NOT EVOCATE for GLUTEN FREE diet. All I merely mentioned was, it was a coincident that since I have taken most of my wheat related diet off our daily meal, my IBS is under control.
Again, I do see there are quite a few Gluten related articles in the front page of the forum lately, to me, it's just the flavour of the month. Some times, we've got whole lot more pages about
Cymbalta, or Lyrica, or tramadol. And they are topics that has been heavily discussed.
There are two things we want to decide here, yes, multiple posting of similar topic is somewhat annoying. At the same time, if it's the things that is in everyone's current mind, is it right to say, wait, you're talking too much about
this topic, let's move on.
In my short time here, I've seen some interesting developments. 1. A lot I mean A LOT of FMS patients are very diet conscious. They to do more posting when there are dietary topics. Drugs are overrated. Everyone needs to find their own drugs that work for them, usually you'll see no more than 8 responses per thread on drugs, unless it's something very contentious.
Anyway, I think we should stop all these bickering, it's stressing everyone especially the mod. We don't want to be the one to be blamed for them having some major flare over the weekend.
Have a good weekend everyone. Rest well.
Post Edited By Moderator (Acheybody) : 6/8/2013 12:18:23 AM (GMT-6)