Hi everyone,
I'm Syncere. For almost the last 12 months I've been sick off & on. Starting back last November 2012 I could only work 2 weeks & the same in December. In January 2013 I only worked one day & it's a ongoing thing! I'm constantly sick! Most recently like a month or so ago I was admitted to the hospital with heart attack symptoms but they found no trace. I came there with a numb left arm that was hurting & still.does to this day even while typing now. My chest was hurting & still is now on the left side mostly but sometimes it spreads to the right & my neck, back & legs. Even my hands.
Recently I've been getting stiff. When I wake up it's so hard to move. And right now my left ankle, thigh, legs & whole leg is stiff. But when I try to stretch it it hurts badly. I just did blood work with my primary physician Monday & so far I've found out I'm vitamin D 3 deficient. I'm only 34 & my life seems so crazy. I can only move around a few minutes & then I'm panicking because I'm sweating & can barely breathe & must sit down. I now get dizzy alot, feel like I'm having heart attacks every night when getting to sleep & just want to know what's wrong with me... Even noise now seems to cause pain! And I may get 3 or 4 hours of sleep per night if I'm lucky! PLEASE HELP!!!