Myself 09 said...
Boy, I am chatty tonight.
Once, my bf had the flu, and was flu-achey. I commiserated, and got him a heating pad and rubbed his shoulders. Then, I said, "Now you know what I feel like most days." He, quite seriously, said, "I was thinking about that, actually. That's awful." It was a moment of understanding I will never forget.
So bad of me, but I sort of love it when DH gets a little headache (he gets them when he hunts or fishes and doesn't drink enough water), he says it's a 2-3 on the pain scale and he's a big baby the whole time.
He usually has that A-HA! moment too and every time I think it cements it more and more in his mind.
For me, I find that I only talk about
my health with certain people who I know will not look down on me, but even then I know they couldn't really ever get it. I have a good friend who says she really admires me, because she knows about
the various pain issues I have and yet I still stay pretty busy. At the same time, I know she doesn't REALLY get it, because she's told me that she knows other people who have chronic pain and she's a little critical (not directly to them) because they just sit around a lot and complain. I've tried to explain to her that 1) I push myself to remain active for quality of life reasons, 2) I have great faith in God, which makes a huge difference and 3) she's only known me for four years, and I am at about
30% of what I used to be able to do in a day.
I hope that you can get your work figured out so that you can lose some of the stress!