Posted 10/17/2014 8:25 AM (GMT -5)
Hiya folks - just needed to vent and I figured many here could relate.
So I've applied for SSD and just got the denial letter for my 1st appeal. I'm working with Binder & Binder and we're now requesting the hearing with an administrative law judge. Side note: Anyone have any experience to say how long that might take?
Anyway, the really frustrating thing is the denial letter says they "have determined I can adjust to other work" based on a report from my PCM and the sleep specialist. OK, yes, I have sleep apnea, but I did not apply for SSD based on that, so why on earth is the decision based on that?! And the PCM report they "reviewed" was BEFORE my PCM discussed the request for a report with me and asked me for any input from before I started seeing her! And then there's the fact that they never reviewed or considered info from my rheumatologist, neurologist or the VA that made a determination that I'm 100% permanently and totaly disabled. Grrrrrrrrr!
When I talked to the person at SSD, their questions were all focused on cognitive issues and they never wanted to hear anything about the fibro pain when that's the main reason I'm applying. So based on that, sure! I CAN learn to do something else, no argument. I'm a reasonable intelligent person. Good grief! I'm an astronautical engineer and retired Air Force Officer. My Pastor jokes that I'm the church rocket scientist! I loved my job! I HATE not being able to work! But in my case the Fibro pain is just too much and won't allow me to work.
Anyway, I'm just frustrated and annoyed with the whole process. My caseworker at B&B said that the SSD office likely really doesn't want to approve my case since I'm still relatively young (43). Argh!
Oh well. I just needed to vent and express my frustration. Now that that's off my chest, back to trying to keep a positive attitude and do the best I can with the cards I've been dealt. Thanks for listening!
Have a blessed day!