straydog: Thanks for the info on I wasn't at all familiar with that and will check it out.
Thanks to you and everyone here for the good wishes, too. I don't like switching meds, but this one sounds more promising.
Lj: You sound like me--I don't do well on meds but do want them near if there's a bad flare. Seems I've been in a flare since about
March, and whew--is it getting old!
Lendi: Good luck to you, too. Yes, sometimes it's like we're between a rock and a hard place.
Debbie: First, best of luck on your surgery--I sure hope it corrects the issue(s). It sounds like it should. Several years ago I was prescribed Lorazepam, which I think is similar to Valium(??) I could be wrong, but it did help.
It's too bad people get addicted to some meds, but it does trouble me that now it's like "everyone" will become addicted and they have such a hold on such meds. I'm sure glad your med is helping you--may it go on!
I'll try it and see how it goes from there. Thanks again, everyone!