Well I went to my ortho today, no more cortizone I have had the limit! He asked me how bad it was and I told him I was reconsidering narcotics( which make me ill so never use them) or borrowing his little saw! It was almost funny to see his face.... I went through 2 surgeries with him without pain meds, right shoulder and left wrist. So he politly told me I was not allowed near sharp objects..... I think my co-workers have been talking to him cause they dont allow me pointed or sharp objects either. My box cutter is a paint key...lol. So after he examed my shoulder and checked range of motion while I was describing what body parts I was going to pull over his forehead to see if it hurt..... use your imagination there folks!!! Surgery is now my only option so I have given in and am going to a new guy against my will but he will not come out of retirement for me. I know in the scope of everyone elses life this is trivial I am trying to figure out moving the end of Feb, my sister is having major surgery monday and I have no time off available till end of march and I still want to just rip my arm off and beat someone anyone with it.....lol lol.... so I am having a temper tantrum, thank you for listening... well reading this anyway
Sue..... the willie groupie/ yankee than knows how to drive while drinking tea and yelling profanity