Phyllis!!! Jeez lady where have you been. I thought the new baby got the best of you. I think of you all almost every time I log in. Been wondering how Bro's been coming along but now I see he's a little down. You know this disease has more twist and turns than a cork screw. I can't believe the TIPS has already started clogging this quickly, But you know they told me they see signs of clogging around the 4 year mark in most cases.
I was unaware that they could place another shunt in if the other goes bad. They told me they go in and clean the existing one when flow problems arise. I'm pulling hard to try and remember what they said exactly but I distinctly remember if cleaning didn't work the next option was transplant. They figure that going in and trying to do any extensive repairs would be too risky. If they do extensive surgery they wanted it to be a transplant, Makes sense to me. Don't know if you remember but the transplant team had a fit when they found out I had that umbilical hernia repaired. We waited four hours for a response from my doctors before the surgeon came in and said "Your intestine is about
to rupture and we can't wait any longer". I was in so much pain I didn't care if the team approved or not and I signed the waiver.
The surgeon I later found out is the best in our area. When he closed me up he sutured the whole shut where the intestine came through but chose not to place the standard mesh screen over the
opening. His fear was that the screen could potentially cause a infection, Our immunity levels are low with liver disease. Transplant team called 30 minutes into surgery but it was to late to stop then. I never asked what their decision would have been had they had the option to go ahead or not. He better watch that thing closely. If it turns bright red, gets hard to the touch and feels like someone is holding a match to it he better get to the E.R quickly. He needs to exercise but beware that a little bit of strain will cause him a world of hurt.
I'm guessing they are doing sonograms on him regularly so surely they would see fluid build up. I just had my MRI and sonogram last week and TIPS is flowing good. Fluid build up, bleeding and increased encephalopathy is a sure sign TIPS is going South. As far as what I eat are fairly normal meals just without salt (I use a substitute). I eat fish, Chicken and pork on occasions. Still like my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I have gained some weight myself but not enough the doctor can rough me up about
. My daily meds are Xifaxin, Lexapro, Lactulose, Vitamin C, Multi-vitamin and B complex. I still have sleeping issue's so I have to take a occasional Ambien. No diuretics but can't stay on my feet for extended periods or else legs feel swollen.
I'm sure my docs would have preferred I went on to AA after the therapy documentation was done. I say if he likes it why not stay with the program. It wasn't for me. I tend to learn lessons very easily particularly where pain is involved. Drinking has passed through my mind a few times over the years but the fear of taking a sip and killing over dead or worse going through that hell again keeps me sober. When I get angry or frustrated I find something to occupy myself from those emotions.
Anyhow I'm so tickled you came back and gave us a update. I know you and your sis stay busy so I'm not gonna hold the lack of posting against you
. Tell bro I said hey and hope he feels better soon. You know your always welcome here. If ever you need to bend a ear or ask a question I check on the forum regularly lately. Our friend and Moderator Connie (Hep93) is having a rough time lately so us village idiots (veterans) are giving her a hand around the forum.
Rick aka (Ziff)