Hi Emma,
Sorry to hear your Mom has to have surgery again, hopefully it will take care of the problem so she can start feeling better.
My husband is hearing impaired and I understand the confusion and frustration that goes along with that. I think the notebook is a good idea. Due to my husbands hearing I do alot of the talking with doctors because it takes a lot of work for him just to understand the conversation and that is with hearing aides.
I hope Dougie doesn't have anymore problems with the banding....Dennis has been having the banding done for years now and hasn't had any problems with it, so I was surprised to hear what Dougie was going through. Dennis had to have this heart test once, and they gave him the medication and his blood pressure went through the floor and scared the heck out of the doctors and they told us he isn't to have that kind of test again. Then a couple of years went by and the doctor decided to do it again and it went smoothly..they have no idea why there was a problem in the first place.
No is the answer to the holiday's and I'm not giving an explaination to them. I'm not even going to talk to them about the holiday and if they ask what time is dinner I'll say, "Hey, I'm just not up to it this year!!"
Sometimes you get use to doing something the same way for years that you don't even think about it, you just do it....I was thinking more of them than I was myself and my own immediate family and that is flat crazy....
I am greatful that I have this forum to come to and you guys are real and you know what it's like to go through this...I know it would be hard to understand it all unless you lived it so I do try to cut his family some slack.....but there is No excuse for not listening when my husband has told them time and time again, he is sick and not able to do as much and they still ask....:(
I am happy to hear you got a nap Emma, we need to take care of ourselves more often.
Take care,
DDMom (Kathy)
Post Edited (DDMom) : 3/28/2012 11:42:29 AM (GMT-6)