Posted 8/13/2012 8:54 PM (GMT -5)
Janie is still fighting for her life, her hemoglobin has remained at 8.3 today, and she hasn't passed any fresh blood. She will only be given blood if it drops below 8. She may be gradually regaining her senses, as one of her friends asked her to look at me and she opened her eyes about half way. I have tried off and on all day to get her to respond to no avail though. I do believe she hears and understands what is being said. Her bilirubin and creatine have continued to creep up and her chest xray continues to show fluid in her lungs. One of the ICU doctors told me today that although not etched in stone, they dont like to keep the breathing tube in over 14 monday will be day 14. He said if she doesn't come around before then, a trach will be considered, as the breathing tube will begin to do more harm than good. He said if she wakes up then they can probably remove the tube completely. Her liver dr says that she continues to make small steps, and she hasn't given up on her. We continue to take it day by day..........hope and pray for the best.