There is NO WAY the creatinine level of 158 is accurate, must be 1.58, a typo. A doctor would be shocked if it even reached 25.
You need to relax and work on a way to get dad to the hospital when he needs to go. Have you tried using deception?
"Hey Dad, let's go for an ice cream. While we're out, let's get your blood checked, won't take too long."
Or try turning on the crocodile tears....daughters can really have an effect on fathers when they turn on the waterworks :)
Jodi, it is very common for families of ESLD patients to come home to a "mess" when HE sets in. It's hard enough when they can't make the bathroom in time, and worse when they try to clean it up themselves, yikes! Oh, the stories I have heard....and seen myself. Yes it has a unique stinky smell to it and is often yellowish. That will continue until he gets well again.
Keep us posted as usual :)
Peace, Mae
Post Edited (Mae be here) : 6/13/2014 5:15:15 AM (GMT-6)