Posted 12/16/2014 9:24 PM (GMT -5)
They are giving him so many meds, I am not 100% sure what they all are. The rig on his central line had 10 looked like plastic erector set...much more elaborate than transplant. I thought I'd see it all.
Where the drain after TP was abdominal, the drain(SS) from the chest are really thick...the drainage is more red blood more than that black oily goop the TP gave off.
Still no determination if he had a seizure or stroke...but he has no paralysis, his speech is fine and he can turn his tongue both ways. I hear that is a thing...turning your tongue. Though I make it sound like he is fine...he slept most of the day exhausted from the ordeal and from 3 separate neuro teams coming in to have him move his arms and legs and squeeze their fingers. Since he had the "seizure" when they tried to move him to a chair, the PT folks came in a team of 3 and had him dangle his feel and stand up..then put him right to bed for the EEG lady to put probes all over his skull and take his brain waves. MRI tomorrow after they take out his pacemaker leads. No pacemaker, just the case.
No further "episodes" today.
There is some suspicion this is "med related" and we shall see what they do about that. They have TP coming him to give him a look over also.
Thanks for your support..I am alone at the hospital, most of my family is up north in NY and CT and in touch by phone, but for my sis, who has dementia and doesn't really get where I am this week. She sent me a text last night about 9PM that she didn't hear me leave and had checked all over her house and couldn't find me. I have been gone since Sunday and saw her Saturday!
Oh my.
Mama Lama