Posted 5/13/2015 10:38 AM (GMT -5)
To make a hot link, try this:
Key in [ u r l ] (leave no spaces)
Then paste your link immediately after.
End with [ / u r l ] (again, leave no spaces)
After you submit your post or reply, check your link and make sure it is hot. Be certain to follow Rule 4 when linking websites.
Rule 4. No advertising or links to advertising or "Spam" is permitted.
Advertising or spam is defined as posting a link for the purpose of selling, soliciting or promoting something.
Links promoting fundraising, advocacy, etc. are not permitted.
Links to personal blogs/homepages are allowed in member profiles and signatures
Sharing of links to helpful and relevant web sites and resources is allowed if they are not used for a promotional purpose.
Let's see if that works! Big Hugs