Posted 6/6/2015 4:57 AM (GMT -5)
Nice to hear from you Barry. My "work" is as a stay at home mom and with two teenage girls I so know what being beat up is. With no mercy for days that I feel lousy. I get it, they want the security of mom doing it all to offset fear of my cancer returning and taking me out. Harvoni side effects not even on their radar - not much is beyond their own ego I guess. Necessary and appropriate developmental stage, just hard to endure. I would far prefer to build petrochemical plants!
Slugging through the sides, some days better than others. Fresh ginger drink, made with honey and lemon or lime in a vita-mix, really helps with the nausea. Happy I don't have headaches. Really just happy to be alive, didnt look like I would be last August...
What kind of cancer did you beat twice? I know, it's a hepatitus forum....