Posted 5/11/2016 5:15 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know my husband, Jeff got his liver transplant on 4/14/2016 at 6:30 a.m. at Keck Hospital of USC in Southern California. It was a total surprise shock and very last minute thing. A blessing to us at the expense and sadness of friends of ours, whose son who was in a car accident in Florida where he was stationed in the military. He was only 23 years old. He was an organ donor and his family designated his liver to go to Jeff.
Surgery took six and a half hours. Everything went great and the new liver was in perfect condition. They had him up walking the day after his transplant. He got out of the ICU the evening of April 16 and then out of the hospital on April 22. He got his staples out on May 9. Needless to say he is doing very well. He does labs twice a week and one of those days is what they call "clinic" in which he also meets with his doctor.
I was down there with him until last week on Friday, when I had to go home because our son is graduating from high school and I had to get back to work. We and now he, is staying at our friends house. His parents are also down there taking him to his appointments, doing his laundry and grocery shopping. The rest he has covered himself. I will be going back down there at the end of June, to bring down his car and stay for a week and a half. He will be able to drive at 12 weeks, which will be the week after I leave. Then, if all continues to go well, he should be able to handle everything himself until they let him come back home to Idaho.
I can't tell you how happy and how fortunate we are. We truly feel like we have been given a miracle. Thank you all for all your help throughout the years.
All my best!