Posted 12/7/2017 8:04 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Weets.
WE are glad you posted in.
My Mike has the same type story, diagnosed in the 90's did a YEAR of the Interferon and Riba and nearly did himself in. He was sober during the treatment, but went back to his daily ways after. He stopped smoking and has not started again, but for the occasional cigar. Occasional.
His liver cancer actually SAVED his life. He got sober in 2010 after failing in every way...kidneys, liver, mental status, edema to his groin, shaking hands all the time, and random bleeding. His platelets were so low they were giving him transfusions from time to time.
He got sober in order to qualify for a transplant. His labs were terrible, his urine coke colored, and I mentioned his mental status...he was ugly to me and the kids and grands, a mean son of a gun who made me cry every day. They call that Hepatic Encepalopathy...your liver works so poorly, the wastes don't get excreted the normal way, rather travel about your body mucking up ones good judgement and ability to put a filter on what one says.
Then he was diasnosed with Heptocelular Carcinoma...but it was too late for RFA, instead they gave him"tumor points" on his MELD score (Model of Endstage Liver Disease). AT his transplant center you needed a MELD score of 22 to get to the top of their list. He was a 19 at the time. The tumor points popped him to the top of the list in our area...and he cured his cancer via Transplant May 1st 2011.
He has done well.
BUT, he still had the gosh darn Hep C, which started right back messing up his nice new liver.
But it was still 2011 and the new meds were not here. He too was genotype 1a.
In 2014 he was cured be Harvoni and Olysio. Thank goodness. Now he is 6.5 years post TP and over 3 years post treatment.
He is doing really well. He is so thankful (me too)...sober, non-smoker, Hep C free, and the only cancer recurrences he has had have been on his SKIN (a risk with taking anti-rejection drugs).
If you had current labs with your Createnine, Total Bilirubin and INR you can calculate your own MELD score and you (and we) can see what condition you are in pretty much. Google MELD CALCULATOR and they will guide you along.
Let us know if you have any more questions.
Happy whatever you guys do mid winter...
Mama Lama