have you ever felt that no matter what you do, you did it wrong? For all I know, I'm not even in the right forum!
Over the last two months or so, I have been unable to control my bowels and have missed so much time at work because of it that I felt forced to resign so I won't have a termination on my resume. Of course, there was zero tolerance or understanding of my particular problem, so not only did I give up my job, I probably still won't get a good reference. And if that wasn 't enough, I didn't know that my insurance would IMMEDIATELY terminate - I was under the impression that I'd have until the end of the month to complete some needed tests.
SO - here I am, unemployed, undiagnosed and unisured - and a single mom of a toddler. Thank God for savings. I read here that stress can make symptoms worse, and boy do I see the reality of that statement!
My question is, how do you find gainful employment when you are consistently running for the pot, or worse, can't always make it? Not to mention the even more embarrasing inability to control "emissions".
My last job was extreeeeemely unsympathetic. I have had problems with my guts for years, but it always passed and wasn't bad enough that I felt the need to get tested. Lately though, it's like my intestines are going to do whatever they want, no matter what I say, and this has caused me to lose quite a bit of time at work. I guess since my labs kept coming back fine that nobody believed that I had a problem. Even my boss, who I also considered a friend, told me that I needed "to get over it" and how it was inconveniencing her that I wasn't there. Well duh, I knew that! I'd rather have been in my chair at work than the "chair" in the bathroom!
Her boss, the owner, was even worse - inferring that it was all in my head and I had emotional problems, not physical ones. I had always been a dependable and hardworking employee (I'd been there a year and a half and missed two days), so this attitude really shocked me.
Everything has pretty much been ruled out by routine labs, ultrasound etc. from my regular doc; not gallbladder, ulcer, liver etc...every lab or test that she had run came back fine. She was in process of referring me to a gi, but now I don't have insurance.
I am at the end of my rope here folks, I am wallowing in guilt for being sick (but not really according to labs and tests), for quitting my job, for letting down my little boy who is only two and relies on me for everything. This problem has been going on for several months now and I could really use some (useful) advice. In the meantime, thanks for the shoulder...