Posted 10/25/2008 7:13 AM (GMT -5)
A couple of mornings ago I woke up with an intense pain in my stomach. I was sure I was going to throw up but as the day progressed I realised that it wasn't particularly a sickness feeling. It was very intense and arresting at times, having me doubled over sometimes in pain, and other times it would be OK. I went to the bathroom and I had the runs. But the pain remained. The pain moves around in my stomach, it sometimes waves from the top of my stomach to pretty low down near my groin. It is aggravated a great deal with any movement or pressure against it.
The pain never went away and is still there right now. Any time I go to the bathroom my stool is always very runny. Oddly though, it won't come out unless I really really push. So only a little comes out.
Last night I went to the bathroom, and the pain was intense as usual. I pushed hard and runny stool came out, but it was followed by some clear water-like substance. It actually looked like urine. The next time I went to the bathroom this is the only thing that came out - this clear water like substance. The pain is still there and now I'm also dizzy and my head hurts. Dunno if they're related.
Food doesn't aggravate it.