Maxie: Welcome! Misery truly loves company here!
My experience with Amitiza was short-lived. It never worked for me at all and, like you, I had headaches (I so rarely have headaches, so that was immediately concerning). It took 2-3 wks before I noticed any tightening in my chest or shortness of breath - but when it happened, that was enough for me to drop it. All I had were side-effects, nothing good came of taking it. I think most of us are discovering how difficult IBS-C truly is to treat. I wish you good luck.
Dual Action Colon Cleanse is the only thing that has actually helped me - available at Walgreen's for about $40. Since it's OTC I assumed up front it would NOT work. I was wrong. babykatiebug on this site told us about the Colon Cleanse (thankfully). I had to play with the dosage of the Colon Clear tablets (which is fine, btw) initially, from the highest allowed, eventually down to the lowest dose. It's says you can use it every other month, but my gastroenterologist says I can use it every month if need be. I, so far, am using it every other month bc it helped me to get on track well enough. If things slow back down and 2 days have passed w/o a BM I take Miralax and/or Colace for a day, maybe 2. After that, I'm balanced back out. Anyway, that's my suggestion to you if the Amitiza never works.
thistuesday: Hey! Has anything improved w/your situation at all? I hope so. This is so exasperating.
I'm starting on round 3 of Prednisone after a wk off...thought I was beyond the poison ivy, but the rashes never all disappeared. Then, w/o missing a beat it started spreading and...I'm a mess. Scares me to be taking Prednisone again, choice. Going on a search and kill mission against posion and Roundup! I'm fairly certain my 3 Greyhounds walk through it and bring it back in on their coats...I pet them and it starts all over again. So...poison ivy has to go.