Hi Chakra- I'm sorry you're feeling so down, what problems are you you having since the surgery? If it's frequent bowel movements, there are medications and foods that can help slow things down a bit. It may be that your body and mind will take a little longer to adjust. I was very down and depressed for a while from the trauma of the operation. I was very weak and tired. I am prone to depression as it is, so a big operation like that was aggravating it even more. I think during my stay in the hospital, and for some weeks after, my bowel wasn't absorbing my antidepressant medication fully and that was another aggravating circumstance. Just hang in there, things always get better. As Marsky said, we may not get as better as we want, but we can get as better as we can with determination. I know we're not allowed to push religious views on here, but I will say that without God's help I'd be a real mess. Keep looking up
Hi Mary- I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I'm doing much better. I have bowel movements about every other day. Even my doctors are surprised, they thought I'd be going 5 or more times a day. I guess I have a somewhat slow small bowel too. But I'm happy with every other day compared to never going before!!!! If I drink some prune juice it really clears me out nicely
I'm happy to hear you're still running the race of life with your usual wisdom and encouragement. You've helped me before and after my surgery, and I am very grateful for it.
God bless, my friends!!!!