Posted 4/17/2011 2:21 PM (GMT -5)
UPDATE: April 17th 2011
I had a colonoscopy in early 2010 due to blood in my stool. It turned out to be hemorrhoids. The doctor stated that I was "squirming through the procedure," and that I "nearly jumped off the table" at one point. As soon as I woke up, I had pain in my left side, under the bottom left rib. The pain persisted, I went back to the doctor and they recommended I get a CT scan and blood work. Everything came back normal. It was then stated I should I have an endoscopy. I then had an endoscopy with another doctor, it too, the initial results were normal while the biopsies were sent to pathology. The doctor then stated "there is nothing else I can do for you." I have never had pain in my left abdominal area, until the colonoscopy. The tests were normal. I do not feel sick, I do not have any blood in the stool or any other symptoms at this time.
Not sure where to go, I decided to see some surgeons about the issue. One surgeon recommended I get a HIDA scan with CCK, even though my pain was in the LUQ. Prior to the test, I have never had pain on my right side. After the scan, I had RUQ pain for awhile constantly, it did go away somewhat; however, if I twist or contort my body the right side hurts. When I spoke to the surgeon about it, he said he has never heard of anyone having RUQ pain constantly after a HIDA/CCK. So now I have LUQ pain from the colonoscopy (and RUQ pain from the HIDA/CCK if I put pressure where my gallbladder is located). The ejection fraction was 22% it was low; however, from the many (6) surgeons I have seen, four say they would not want to remove the gallbladder, while the other two (part of the same group) want to remove the gallbladder.
Has anyone else had a HIDA/CCK test and then have RUQ pain afterwards? Can a HIDA/CCK test kill a gallbladder, or overwhelm a failing one?
One or two months later after the pathology came back from the endoscopy, the pathology revealed I have chronic gastritis, I've never had any LUQ pain before in my life, prior to the colonoscopy. In addition, I also had blood work to test for H. Pylori, it was negative. Now, more than 1 year later, the gastritis continues, in addition, sometimes when I bend over to tie my shoes or if I lie on my left side at 'just the right angle' I will feel stabbing pains on the left side, even when taking PPIs for the gastritis. I've asked for a diagnostic laparoscopy but surgeons seem to be reluctant to perform the procedure. If you were in this situation what would you do?
Would you have your gallbladder removed and while in there, they could look at the left upper quadrant? Or try to find a surgeon (out-of-state?) who would perform a diagnostic laparoscopy? I'd hate to get the gallbladder removed and have both the LUQ and RUQ pain remain or get worse; however, I am very tired living with this pain, aside from work, I do not want to go anywhere, do anything or meet anyone, it is ruining my life. What would you do in my situation?