ibs - 100.0% - 2 votes
bleeding bowels - 0.0% - 0 votes
constant pain - 0.0% - 0 votes
Posted 6/14/2011 3:09 PM (GMT -5)
hi there,my name is andi and im 34 yers old,in 2002 i started have bowel and stomach problems,i went to the drs and he signed me off work with GORD,within a few weeks i had diarrhea and thats still with me today in 2011,i suffer really hard everyday,i have violent diarrhea at least 15 maybe 25 times a day,mornings are worse but it can and does last all day,im a large man at about 16 stone but this can reduce me to tears,the pain is out of this world,i take TRAMADOL for the pain,i also take lomitol and loperamide and some drink colys somehing.in the last 10 years i have never had a day when diarrhea has not reared its ugly head,i went to hospital and they found nothing wrong,my new doctor has told me to keep a poo diary so i have,im on day 6 and i have been over 80 times,i bleed so much that i feel dizzy and have blacked out,the only answer given was IBS,im lucky really because i do get DLA but diarrhea has taken over my life,everything has to be done when i feel that ive been enough but sometimes i get caught out,can anyone help
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Posted 6/14/2011 3:52 PM (GMT -5)
Have you had a colonoscopy? Have you had bowel X-ray studies done? If you are passing blood it is unlikely that "there is nothing wrong with you." Go back to the doctor and insist on a diagnostic work-up, including blood and visualizations of the bowel (whether by scope, pill camera, x-ray or all).
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Posted 6/14/2011 3:53 PM (GMT -5)
How much do u weigh,
I weigh 128 height 5.09
I go about 5 to 6 times a day mostly formed stools and can't gain weight
If I went as much as u I would weigh 75 lbs
What is your diet
Posted 6/14/2011 4:03 PM (GMT -5)
i have had camera in both ends,x rays have also been,many sampels sent and blood tests,still found nothing wrong,no reason for the bleeding or loose stools,i dont know whats going on but i felt very angry at being told it is or could be IBS,as for weight gain it was put on in the early years of my ill health,i weight is 16 stone thats 216 and im 6.00 tall.before all this started i was about 11 stone,i eat anything,my sweet tooth is my downfall,chocs away.
Posted 6/14/2011 4:25 PM (GMT -5)
Don't eat anything sweet and sugary for one week (you can do it!) Eat nothing but bananas, rice, applesauce and drink tea for a few days in a row. Your colon/ intestines need a rest. Then slowly try adding other foods back into your diet.
Posted 6/14/2011 4:40 PM (GMT -5)
done that in the past,ive even gone 48 hours with no food and just water,same result nothing changed,ive cut food out to try to find a food that may disagree with me but nothing changes,
Posted 6/16/2011 2:42 PM (GMT -5)
Have you been tested for bile salt malabsorption?
This can cause diarrhea and there is a powder solution that is taken to help this which stops people going to the toilet as much.
Just a thought as you have had lots of other tests with no positive results.
Posted 6/16/2011 4:22 PM (GMT -5)
hi tori,thanks for your reply,i do take a powder drink every day,its called COLESTYRAMINE,i have been on that since 2006.as ive stated before ive been keeping a diary over he last week and i have been 109 times in six days,so its worse that i first thought.i gets to a point that you start to think maybe im being punished,everyone around me is really worried,i have been 26 times today,not small amount but large amounts each time,the pain i get in and around my stomach and bowels is really bad,when should i start to worry,the poop diary i have to do for 2 weeks and i think it will be over 200 at this rate.love your name,Tori
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Posted 6/20/2011 3:05 PM (GMT -5)
I'm still searching for my miracle cure too but have you ruled out fructose malabsorbtion too?
Do you drink lots of sodas? Here in the USA, everything is made with high fructose corn syrup.
Glucose should be okay for you...it's the fructose that can cause problems. I've read if you supplement some glucose with fructose it reduces the bad fructose effects.