Posted 4/18/2012 2:21 PM (GMT -5)
PFt! Right treatment. I've been to the doctors. Over and over and over. In the beginning when I had insurance they put a camera down my throat and found polyps all over inside my stomach. The gastro-whatever said he didn't know what they where, had never seen them before and would ask his peers at a conference he was going to soon. In the meantime he treated me with Actifex and some antibiotics because there was a small amount of ulceresk bacteria in there. After that my insurance ran out. I never heard from him again. For years and years, I've had pain and chronic diarrhea. Often I sleep sitting up just to prevent the pain. Sometimes I'd go a week or two without eating and hardly drinking, fluctuating weight, looking like a skull. And when I'd go the doctors, and I'm always there, they'de ask whether I'm anorexic or bulimic then up my dose of whatever anti-depressant I was on. When they did run tests they were usually blood tests. I forced a doctor to test me for a gluten intolerance and that came back negative but eating gluten makes things much worse so I have cut it out of my diet anyway. changed my diet a lot. They screened my, erm, leavings for bacteria a few times, never during an episode and never found much to report. But I'm not imagining things!!!! I know I'm not. My bowels feel like a rotted out tail pipe on a bad muffler being dragged across the ground on the highway and my stomach is like a turbine engine. I take a Prilosec every night and drink baking soda water to keep the gas and heartburn at bay and not eating gluetn has helped with 85% of the symptoms but still, like right now, I am in agony.