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IBS and Probiotics
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2013
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Posted 10/12/2014 2:33 AM (GMT -5)
I have IBS with both constipation and diarrhea. I lean mostly toward the constipation so I take laxatives every day. If I take too much, I sometimes get diarrhea.
I have pelvic prolapse, fibromyalgia, and scoliosis, and all of these contribute to the other bowel problem; it's bowel incontinence.
I have decided to try probiotics to see if it will help get me regulated. Is this a good idea? I wonder if I should cut back on or discontinue the laxatives. I take Ex-lax. I've been having a really bad time the last month or so and would appreciate any advice from others who may have this problem. Thanks.
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Posted 10/14/2014 6:48 PM (GMT -5)
Yes, Digestive Advantage IBS worked for me!
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Posted 10/17/2014 10:29 AM (GMT -5)
Culturelle works for me I take it everyday.
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Posted 10/17/2014 7:29 PM (GMT -5)
The probiotics have helped the constipation for me, but still take a laxative every so often. Other than that, I have no more cramping, belching, nausea, or heartburn. It's unbelieveable to me how much these have helped, I wish I had tried them years ago
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Posted 10/17/2014 10:40 PM (GMT -5)
I'm going to give them a try. I got the chewable kind. I hope they work as well as the ones you're taking. I can use all the help I can get.
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Posted 10/20/2014 5:49 PM (GMT -5)
I take Align and when necessary I take Miralax. The Align has been a saving grace for me. NO diahrea at all. I also take Acidophillus. My Gastro doctor suggested Align that is why I take that. They say that the probiotic you take depends on the condition you have to work the best. Maybe ask your doctor? Good health to you
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Posted 10/20/2014 10:24 PM (GMT -5)
My doctor knows I have IBS but has never mentioned probiotics to me. I'll be getting a new doctor in Dec. though, as this one is leaving the practice so I'll ask him/her what they think.
The one I got is made by Nature's Bounty.
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Posted 10/23/2014 2:55 PM (GMT -5)
Hi all,
Seems as though Probiotics are good for all types of bowel diseases. I had another related IBS type of disease and it helped very much. I wanted to add, Have you tried a fleet enema for your constipation when you have to go? That helps me out along with stool softeners. The fleets have both laxatives and saline without lax. Please post and let me know if you try it. It will help with hemorrhoids too.
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Posted 10/23/2014 8:15 PM (GMT -5)
I have used the Fleet enemas in the past and they really do work well. I am having trouble using them now because of arthritis in my hands and shoulders. I can't get in the right position and can't squeeze the tube hard enough. Old age. :) I will try the probiotics. I'm taking antibiotics right now for other stuff. Can these be taken at the same time?
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Posted 10/23/2014 10:41 PM (GMT -5)
HEY MEMAW, I would say yes that you can do both and would recommend it. At least I did. I had C-Diff and went through a dose of Metronidazole and didn't pay much attention to my diet and did not help. In fact, antibiotics are what causes C-Diff. The doc put me on Vancomycin for 2 weeks and I started the probiotic diet at the same time attacking it from both the medical and natural sides and WALAH! My C-Diff test came up negative right after that. I am still eating probiotic stuff for maintenance but can eat what I want now. You can check with your doc but many of them are not sold on probiotics or are not familiar with it so I wouldn't say what he says it is gospel. Also, if you take meds for your pain, especially opiates, that could constipate you too. If that is your case, most doctors will tell you to take stool softeners but I would ask your GI doc before you take them because it may interfere with a bowel disorder. Here is a link that will help you understand what antibiotics and probiotics do and don't.
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Posted 10/24/2014 2:09 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks for the link!
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Posted 10/25/2014 12:14 AM (GMT -5)
Sure, no problem memaw, I hope this helped you to decide.
Veteran Member
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Posted 10/26/2014 3:58 PM (GMT -5)
Just wondering, what has your doc recommended to you? Have you tried things for incontinence like biofeedback or anything?
I also have problems with severe and chronic constipation as well as bowel incontinence. I also have issues with prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction. My problems are due to lots of nerve damage (from Spina Bifida), and it has gotten really bad. I actually do take laxatives and a couple prescript
ion meds daily, with no results. not sure why I still take them. I have to do a "bowel purge" every 2 weeks, where I mix up the tasty colonoscopy prep drink and down that, along with a bunch of other laxatives. That at least gets some of the stuff cleaned out. I am currently finishing up meeting with a few docs (will have 3 docs involved) to determine exactly what will be done in surgery. I am having a colostomy, hysterectomy, and bladder surgery all at once. Very rarely done for these kinds of problems.
Not sure why I just told you all that, but what I was thinking of and wanted to tell you is maybe something like miralax would work. It's not too harsh, but works pretty well for a lot of people, and you can very easily adjust the dose to what works for you, since it's a powder. I have not tried probiotics, but seems like those are helping a lot of people.
Just curious about
a couple things....have you asked your doc about
probiotics? I guess there are lots of different ones out there and finding the best one for you can sorta depend on your problems. Also, if you are comfortable sharing more about
your story or how you handle the incontinence, I'd be very interested to hear about
it. It is not an easy thing to handle, physically or mentally.
Hope you are able to find something that works well for you soon!
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Posted 10/26/2014 9:35 PM (GMT -5)
Sunny, Your problems sound a lot like mine. I'm sorry you are going through this too. I do have pelvic floor prolapse. I went to my gyn last week and had a pessary cleaning and repositioning.
Now I have a bladder infection. I get them sometimes after the pessary is removed and replaced. It irritates the bladder. She said in my case, she doesn't recommend surgery, due to all my other medical problems.
I have CFS and FM too and diabetes. All of these things are contributing to the lack of nerve function. I take laxatives daily and lately they don't work as well. I feel like a good purge would help me. What do you take exactly?
My regular doctor has not told me anything in regard to probiotics so I bought some Nature's Bounty chewables with Acidophilus. I hope they help. The bowel incontinence is awful. I don't know what to do about
Thank you for your reply. I hope your surgeries go well for you. It's a lot to go through.
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Posted 10/26/2014 10:55 PM (GMT -5)
Have you been to a GI doc lately? Depending on the reason for and the severity of the incontinence, there are options out there to help control it. If you are not currently seeing a GI doc, I would really urge you to ask for a referral to see one. Sounds like you have a lot going on and you really need a specialist who can help you figure out what is going on and what can be done about
As for doing the purges, I do them every 10-14 days, because often the purges are the only bowel movements I have. I have a prescript
ion from my GI doc for the same stuff used to prepare for a colonoscopy--I have been using the Go-Lytely. It has added electrolytes to help prevent dehydration and just "feeling awful". It's pretty hard on the body, but I don't really have a choice anymore. I have been doing it 2-3 times per month since January of this year. I also take daily: Miralax, Linzess (twice the max. dose), Bisacodyl, as well as Zofran for nausea and a med for gastritis. I do take another 15 or so different meds for other medical problems.
Before you decide to do anything to "clean you out" or do any type of purge, PLEASE consult your doctor. A purge, depending on what you use, could do some real damage to you, especially because of the other medical problems you have!! PLEASE, DO NOT TRY SOMETHING LIKE A PURGE WITHOUT TALKING TO YOUR DOCTOR AND GETTING THE OK FROM THEM FIRST!! The last thing you need is to put a lot more chemicals into your body and have it screw up everything else going on in your body. A purge is really not limited to just pushing out the waste or cleaning things out, it's more like a tornado going thru you. It is rather unpredictable and does tend to leave a trail of damage behind. Can you tell I'm a little concerned about
you doing this??
Please don't think I'm trying to be bossy or rude or whatever, I just do not want you to hurt yourself. The combination of constipation and bowel incontinence sure is a weird thing though, huh? I hope that we can keep "talking" about
this stuff. I think we could really help each other, whether it's sharing things that have worked or not worked to treat the problems, or just providing support, someone to talk to, and knowing we are not alone with these struggles.
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Posted 10/27/2014 1:16 AM (GMT -5)
I won't do a purge, I was just curious about
it. I will ask my doctor for a referrel to a GI doctor next appointment if things haven't straightened out. I get this way from time to time and it usually works itself out.
I still have movements, just not as much as before. I also have spinal stenosis and a curvature now. I know all this adds to the problem.
Maybe I need to try a better laxative than ex lax. I have used senna products for many years. I appreciate your input and your caring. Thank you.
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Posted 11/5/2014 4:02 AM (GMT -5)
Yes, please do continue taking laxatives if it has benefited you well, IF not. You can always resort on taking probiotics. Keep in mind to always ask your doctor's advice about
your medications. Hope you get better very soon.
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Posted 11/5/2014 5:09 AM (GMT -5)
Jeane, Thank you for the reply. I am still taking the ex-lax and have started on a small amount of probiotics.
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Posted 11/8/2014 2:59 PM (GMT -5)
Hi memaw, just wanted to know if the probiotics are helping you any? My GI doctor didn't tell me about
any type of diet for what I had so I'm sure many of them don't have faith in them. As I kept reading more about
my then disease, that's what people were recommending. I'm positive it helped me because I did go off of the pb for 1 day and the diarrhea returned, then back to pb and gone when I finished my vancomycin (specific antibiotic). I gradually ate normal foods and increased them each time and was totally OK after a week. I'm back on my pain meds now which seriously constipates me so I'm taking 3 stool softeners/day (generic colace or docusate sodium 100 mg. both are OTC) and producing masterpieces with no grunting. lol. Just trying to cheer you up since we all are literally talking ****. Have you seen a GI doc?
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Posted 11/12/2014 6:44 AM (GMT -5)
No, I haven't seen a GI doctor. I have so many ailments I can't keep up any more! My regular doctor will probably ok the probiotics. I'm still dealing with the end of a bad bladder infection.
I bought a product called Clear Track that's supposed to protect/prevent UTI's so I hope that will help in that area. I had the bladder infection along with the bad constipation at the same time. It's been a really rough 3 weeks.
I had the constipation a couple of weeks before the infection and still don't know what caused it. I'm not on any medication that would cause this to happen.
Maybe with these OTC products I'll have less problems in the future. Thanks to all who responded to my posts. It really helps not to be alone when you're going through situations that are so painful and scary.
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