Posted 5/25/2017 5:53 PM (GMT -5)
I suffer from GERD and I used to suffer from milk-related IBS.
I have read that many people linking SIBO to GERD & IBS.
The theory is that malabsorption of certain carbohydrate promote bacteria in the small intestine which produce gases that increases intestinal pressure, and hence the other symptoms.
This is the basis of many of the low-carb diet variations to address GERD & IBS.
One of the most suspected carbohydrates are fructose and lactose. There are hydrogen breath test for their absorption, and malabsorption of these sugars are common with people with GI problems.
Everybody knows that lactase helps with lactose malabsorption and it is a very popular supplement.
As for fructose, during my research I found just one enzyme that helps to convert fructose to glucose and it is xylose isomerase.
For example the following study confirms its efficacy:
However I have been very surprised to find that most available digestive enzymes supplements do not contain this enzyme.
only two products on amazon contain it and they are pretty expensive.
I have been further surprised when I searched this forum for xylose polymerase to find ZERO results.
SO, why is nobody using this, seemingly useful, enzyme?
Has anybody tried it?
Thank you.