Posted 4/6/2017 6:39 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all,
So for anyone who is following this or comes across this in the future I got my organic acids test results back.
Main things:
Arabinose was above reference range indicating yeast in small intestine. Tartaric was 0 though which was good.
Hippurate was quite high but not above reference range.
DHPPA (friendly bacteria) was very very low, 0.02 nearly out of zone on the lower end.
Really low vitamin C, really low B5 and B6. B2 and B12 were fine as well as glutathione.
There was another marker which was high for bacteria overgrowth but it wasn't directly under the bacteria markers so not sure what to make of that one.
Also, my seratonin was very low. Again, i heard this can be due to dysbiosis/ lack of friendly bacteria. My cortisol levels were high and it said vitamin C can help with this.
Therefore, combined with my positive test for urine indican it seems I have dysbiosis / lack of friendly bacteria. Especially in intestines (small).
The test also recommended I have a toxic metals sample done which I am going to have as I have a few amalagam fillings, one of which (a really large one that wraps round one of my back molars), I kind of think little symptoms started after this but I am just speculating. Let's see if this shows any mercury.
Therefore, to conclude it seems I have destroyed my good bacteria in my small intestine through a combination of constant stress, intense workouts at the gym after eating large lunches, very poor diet (i basically only used to eat refined carbs - huge amounts (600-700g of pasta with sauce for dinner - EVERYDAY!), no vegetables whatsoever, large amounts of sugar, beer and alcohol (binging - not everyday) and probably other things. 5-6 coffees a day at least. Basically when I read about gut health I done everything in the 'not to do' section to excess.
My protocol is now going to be the following;
1.) Boost immune system:
- Vitamin C (will take 2g a day)
- B vitamin complex
- Zinc and vitamin d (heard these help with yeast/candida).
- Milk Thistle and Broccomax for liver support - I sometimes get liver pain and these take the pain away!! They help the liver to detoxify so I will take at least 2 or 3 of these a day. Especially when I start the probiotics below.
2.) Heal and support gut:
- I am going to be drinking 2 x protein shakes made with homemade kefir. Kefir has trillions of beneficial lactic producing bacteria and the protein shake has lactoferrin, immunoglobins, amino acids etc, huge amounts of glutamine and BCAAs. These will be perfect for gut health. I know this is an issue for people who are intolerant to dairy but if you're not I think this is a very important add on.
3.) Will take antimicrobial/antifungal supps:
- Will take Grapefruit seed extract and cinnamon tea and coconut oil to displace any bad bacteria/yeast.
- I believe if you boost your immune system and gut these will sort themselves out.
- I might take some betaine hcl sometimes with lunch. My stool test showed fat and protein absorption was fine but I might take these just to kill off any yeast just in case.
4.) Probiotics
- When I have taken good probiotics they do give me gut discomfort but looking back on it I think this is a sign of them working. I have seen a new probiotic using an exciting new technology. They are called Naturewise and I have contacted them a few times and they said the probiotics will help replenish bacteria in my small intestine. They have great info on their website and their probiotics are proven to survive through the stomach acid and bile and fluctuating PHs. They are delayed release to ensure they populate the whole intestines rather than just a dump as is the case for encapsulated powdered probiotics. It's definitely true that all of these die when they hit your stomach acid. They release over 2-10 hours.
She also told me that when I start taking the probiotics, I will likely have digestive distress for up to two weeks as the probiotics fight the pathogenic bacteria and yeast, basically scraping it off the walls. I really appreciate the honesty from this company rather than companies saying they are safe and completely symptomless. It reminds me off my mother putting ointment on bees stings and I would scream 'it hurts' and she would say 'that means it's working'. I think this is the same idea for these probiotics hopefully.
I should recieve these today and I am going to take 1 at night and maybe one in the morning. They recommend taking 1 a day but I might take two a day during the first week. I'll update any improvements likely after a month or two to give them a chance to work.
5.) Mecury/Hair Mineral Test:
I am going to get a hair mineral test, mainly to check for any aluminium. If this comes up very high then I am going to strive to get my amalgam fillings removed as I don't eat much fish and I have an office job so I wouldn't say I am overly exposed to aluminium.
6.) De-stress:
I am going to start strength training in the gym, especially squats, to boost testosterone.
Also I am probably going to start going for weekly or fortnightly massages for head and neck. As I get this stiff/anxious neck quite a lot. My organic acids test showed my cortisol/stress levels are high, even though i'm just chilling and my serotonin levels are low. I kind of need to get happy again.
I believe I am going to feel quite crap over the next month/two months implementing all of this. However, I am going to try and offset this by using the whey protein, vitamin c, milk thistle etc, zinc. Also things like ground flaxseed which I use for breakfast and I might start adding into my protein as well. This is fibre that helps sweep the intestines of c**p. Also, i've started eating a lot more vegetables.
Will give you all an update on my general feeling and burping in two months time.
I might give an interim update based on the hair mineral test.
Bless you all.