Posted 1/29/2019 9:21 PM (GMT -5)
Hi this is my first time posting on here and I was wanting to get some input from others on here is regards to a problem I have occasionally with IBS. Anyway last night/this morning I had a bad flareup I occasionally get a few times a year for seemingly no reason. Anyway it usually happens when I am asleep for several hours and I wake up with nausea and sharp abdominal pains. I jump out of bed and run to the toilet. I will sit there for 10 minutes or more pushing hard to try to get stool out and nothing happens. I then will give up and try going back to bed. A half hour later or even 10 minutes later it happens again. With the same results in the bathroom. Again I go back to bed. Then it will either repeat again or I will finally be able to with great effort pass stool. Usually in huge amounts as if I haven't gone all day even though I had several times before that day. Then after that it is usually followed by diarrhea. After it seems like I am done I go back to bed only to get hit with the urge to go again. And more diarrhea. Then I go back to bed and the same thing happens again maybe up to three more times. Usually by the time I am finished for good the sun is finally up and as a result I have had very little sleep and have to drag myself throughout the day. And the nausea usually lasts at least half of the day or maybe even all. Before this would happen I would usually eat the same things I normally would eat along with taking Philips Colon Health tablets, yogurt with active cultures and fiber like an apple earlier in the day. And I usually don't have anything on my mind to stress me out to trigger any of this. I suffer with very mild IBS most of the time but a few times a year I have really debilitating flareups like this usually when I am trying to sleep as stated. Last August I even had to miss work since I had gotten no sleep the previous night and thankfully my employer was understanding. It is complete hell when this happens on the thankfully rare occasions that it does. I would like to try to keep it from happening ever again and was wondering if anybody on here has any ideas or at least can tell me if they have had the some things happen to them when they try to sleep ever? Seems like it tends to flare up more when I am laying down than sitting up which makes it terrible if you are trying to sleep. Thank you all in advance for reading this and replying if you do.