Posted 2/20/2019 11:14 PM (GMT -5)
If you search for Bowel Movement Tracker on google play you will find many apps. I have not tried any of them yet but I will be now. I am sorry no one ever replied to you before now. I am new to the forum. My gi motility disorder with ibs-C is back to nearly a stand still. Despite max dose Linzess and pyridostigmine to aid the effectiveness of the linzess. I have struggling to have one movement a week. 15 years of GI issues including ibs, gerd, gastritis, gastro paresis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth 8+ times treated, internal hemmroids, polyps removed 6x, adenomas removed 2x (both 2cm in size), diverticulitis, gallbladder, irregular Zline repair, weak core muscles (12 abdominal to pelvic scars )from other laproscopic surgeries. On top, of complications with damage with a broken back and specifically issues to L1, L4, L5, S1 (many other areas of my back are damaged as well but those are the lumbar ones adding to pelvic floor issues on top of the gi complications.