hi as far as the sticky stool...... don't have a scooby. But i have found that i can't eat oats, high fibre and skins on fruit. Apparently oats are sticky and they can get stuck to the wall of the colon, maybe this is causing you problems.
Are you drinking plenty? the past 2 weeks i changed things slighlty and i have feeling much better, i have ate no veg and the only fruit has been melon. I also changed bread from normal white to Danish bread, seems lighter. Pasta i have changed to checking fibre levels, etc..... i know that it is crappy, i suffer with you, i have been decorating this week and noticed every time i bent over i let go of wind. Do some bending, you can also try heat therapy from a water bottle. Or anti-inflamatories. Lots of things may help, but you are probably best seeing your doc. He will know best.
Weight- are you having enough BM'Sdrinking plenty to flush your system out.How long as this been going on? are you keeping a food diary? that can help in case you have foods that trigger your probs.
hope that you are better, be thinking of you
amanda xx