Hey everyone just wanted to check in to say hey hope everyone is doing good.I'm doing well staying strong of course been really feeling good lately especially today my hope has just been getting so strong I feel I will come out of IBS a much better stronger person for it.I been seeing myself getting back to living and enjoying my life again I need to send that energy out to the universe allow these thoughts to get out there then manisfest in my life.I've been able to get out more and just enjoy the days the warm weather is coming and I'm really not trying to spend those days indoors.I'm also looking forward to my birthday I really will not let my symptoms have me alone on my birthday.I'm going to celebrate and live my out my day to the fullest lol for real for real I'm not going to let IBS win anymore.I'm taking back my life with a vengence IBS will not win and get the best of me and I hope you all will do the same.Some of you have given me so much encouragement from your day to day dealings with IBS reading how some of you do not allow IBS to win is giving me strength to fight thank you.I will not give up I have faith that things will get better they will I feel it each and everyday there is something in me that will not lay down and give up.I hope to come back to share more good news with you guys and as always wishing you good stomach and digestive health till next post sending you all my love.