Posted 4/14/2009 8:24 AM (GMT -5)
Hi, all. I've lurked here for more than 3 years (usually hang out over in the Prostate forum- as a wife). Have had IBS-D for about 12 years - daily with no letup, but not debilitating.
In the last 2 months, I've had 3 strange flare ups of some sort and need your input. It starts with a trip to the bathroom. That starts the tingling all over. Other symptoms then start:
Chills - little or no fever
Nausea - no vomiting
Extreme thirst
Extreme fatigue
Tastebuds go haywire - nothing tastes good.
Fullness/tenderness in rectal area, but can't feel any protrusions and there's no sharp pain.
Never even a trace of blood in stool.
After 24 hours, it's gone and I'm back to normal. The third episode this past weekend, it was 48 hours before I felt great again this morning.
Have researched and can't find a thing that ties all these things together, especially with the absence of blood in stool.
Have an appointment Thurs. morning with a new local internist (small town - I'm starting with her).
Any thoughts/input/suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Is it a severe IBS thing or do you all think something else is going on?