Hey everyone I hope you all are well is it snowing where your at? it's snowing here very beautiful out.Other then that I've been doing fine eating like crazy lol everything I can remember I thought was off limits for me to be able to eat I'm eating lol.My problem is gas is still a major issue for me I'm like the gas machine remember that movie House Bunny when the main charecter had a cat named pooter lol that should be my name lol.Sometimes not most of the time I have so much gas that I need to expel it's ridiculous I be thinking to myself thank God I'm not out in public with all this gas lol.Once and awhile a little gas does not bother me but when it's those long winded ones and the noize it makes I be like dam! lol that noize came out of me lol.It's always a relief when it's stopped and I've expeled the last of it lol.Oh and I notice when my emotions are a little funky when I'm feeling down or angry I get gas.
I think I may go back on probiotics and see what they do to lessen the gas yes I know gas is a natural think but good greif lol.As long as I dont get outside in public even if I'm by myself outside walking and I get gas I start to panic lol.I know that's so funny to me who's going to know unless if someone is walking right behind me and gets a wiff of it lol.I'm by myself with no one even near me and I start to panic thinking it's going to be a stinker and linger over to someone who's going to pinpoint it me lol.At least I do not get it while I'm eating anymore thank God for those pescription enzymes I dont have to go spend like thirty dollars on a bottle for some.I'm just thankful that I'm getting to eat what I desire with no problems,I'm a sweets maniac I always got to have something sweet after eating lunch or dinner.I'm also a chocoholic loooove chocolate,I'm so happy I get to eat as much as I'd like with no problems except for the next day which is not to bad.I'm also so happy that I'm putting on weigth I have a butt again lol.I pray though that this gas issue will get better and lessen up but I got to keep telling myself it's a normal thing your not the only one who gets gas lol.I got to find it funny everytime I let one rip lol my progress in the hospital was not for no reason it was for me to be comfortable with a normal bodily function.Everybody farts and lets one rip now and then I'm not an alien but if I could get an award for the longest fart I think I'd win that one lol.
I'm feeling better now about this whole gas situation it's no biggie lol just laugh everytime I let one rip which I do sometimes lol.And to tell you the truth I know farts stink but most of the time mines dont be that bad trust me I would know if it stunk lol.So I dont got to much I got to worry about lol just laugh everytime I let one rip lol and I wont worry so much about them.I hope I can remember these thing when I get a bout of gas oh I just let one rip lol that was not so bad lol.Well everyone I hope you all are well and that your holidays are going well.As I'm typing to you all I'm waiting on a chocolate cake I put in the oven to be done told you all I love chocolate lol.Till next post oh I dont know if you've notice my post and text have been in the color blue which is my favorite color.Since my post are not so negative anymore my mood has changed to happy and why not let me text match my mood by typing in my favorite color,all my love and good warm thoughts your way. xoxoxo