hi guys.i have posted here before but i wanted to find out a few things about
fibre and ibs.i have suffered severe ibs for over 25 years now.i get constipation which is a nighmare,major tummy bloating which always makes me look about
nine months pregnant.i get horrible bowel pain when my bowels actually decide to work.all last week i went through a shocking time with my bowels.i had taken over 4 days about
15 laxitive tablets,powders to get the bowels going.anyway,i spent the whole week running to the loo and sorry but his part is gross,really soft poo that would come out a little bit but was too light to even drop into the loo.it was like tar and it was a nightmare to clean up each time.i have a major problem of when my bowels go,after i clean myself,the poo just keeps coming out slowly.i have been too embarrassed to tell a sole.lets just say that is part of it has effected my life so much.i have to be careful what colours i wear in case of an accident.i go can to the other end of the scale and go about
8 times in one day and it always ends up with diareara.gross.anyway,i was always under the impression that eating fibre would make things worse in the bowel department.i started fibre cereal for breakfast a week ago and now my bowels are improving.the only way my bowels would go would be for me to eat lots of greasy take away foods.lets just say my weight is really high at the moment.i suffer upper stomach pains everyday and i am sure my ibs is causing it.it is not my gallbladder because i have had that out and i have had tests for all this bad pain and nothing is showing up.does any of this sound familiar to anybody else.i am taking somac for my upper tummy pains which go through to the back.my bowels are driving me insane.i am constantly worried that my bowels will hit when i am out in public.this has happened a lot.when i get the diareara,it is uncontrollable.it just keeps coming out without me knowing it or me not making it to the toilet.it is a nightmare to live with.i am on a long waiting list to get an colospy(can't spell) done but the wait will be about
4 years through out free pubic hospital system.my twin sister and dad suffer really bad ibs too so it must be genectic.oh,it was movicol powder i tried plus fibre granules but none of it worked,not even the laxitives.i have been in hospital once with a blocked bowel and that was not pleasant.i go through years of my bowels not working for weeks on end and then have all the above issues in between.