Hello. (23yr old female otherwise in perfect health) I have been hospitalized three times in three years. All hospitalizations around a year apart. October 2012, October 2013 & November 2014. Each emergency room visit I discuss my severe abdominal pain and they are certain it is my appendix and sure enough the CT Scan reveals that my ileum is swollen and full of infection. And my appendix is fine. Each year they do a biopsy and blood test. Telling me I have Crohns but each time the results come back revealing that I'm negative for Crohns, negative for cancer, and everything looks normal. Antibiotics clear up the infection and I'm on my way. Demanding answers this last visit due to the SEVERE pain and vomiting my doctors, all of them, swear up and down that it must be just stress. But I am not convinced that I am so stressed that I put myself in the hospital three weeks at a time every year. Please any suggestions on what my diagnosis might be. It can't be just stress! I've been out of the hospital for three weeks now and I'm still very sick, can't eat, vomiting, and writhing in pain.