Posted 11/24/2015 8:01 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all
Ive been doing really great recently, about two months ago I started amitryptiline, a probiotic and a gf diet and things have been very smooth. No symptoms whatsoever! Its enabled me to go to work every day, social events, and university and actually engage with whats going on instead of having symptoms/being worried about having symptoms.
After 6-8 weeks of gluten free I decided to go back to eating normally to find out if its the the diet thats been helping or if its been one of the other two. So the first day I had a little wheat, and the next day a little more, and I've had no return of the symptoms I had before (constipation, blood, mucus, nausea, heartburn and indigestion). Everything was ticking along fine!
UNTIL. Last night I decided to treat myself to a cup of tea (breakfast tea with milk) which I havent had for ages because it was causing me problems, and boom. Immediately I was shaking, sweating, nauseated and making trips to the bathroom. Now I've actually brought this up before here looking for others who also have a bad reaction to tea, and and I never really found anyone so I kind of thought it was in my head maybe, or that it wasn't actually a thing. But after last night I can't look past it anymore, at one point I actually started crying (I'm not a crier generally) because it was so awful. I honestly feel like I was poisoned. I think whats happening for some reason is that tea is making my intestine spasm, so everything in there gets rushed along and out, whether its ready to be or not, which in turn makes me feel very sick and ill. Its still continuing today in fact, my lower left abdomen is very sore and it feels hard to the touch, as if its spasming every so often.
So I guess I just wanted to know, has anyone else experienced this with anything they eat? The feeling of your body just trying to get everything out asap
Thanks :)