Posted 7/29/2016 1:41 AM (GMT -5)
After Lyme treatment of heavy antibiotics for 6 months, I tested stool and it has a large overgrowth of 4 types of bad bacteria. Several of them are the citrobacter, one is klebsiella, and another proteus "?".
I do not have irritable bowel symptoms per se. (Yet?)
I generally do not feel well, and believe I have a leaky gut adding to the problem. I need glutathione IV's regularly which detoxify my bloodstream, then I feel "ok". I think a lot of junk is getting into my bloodstream now, it wasn't this way before.
I do not seem to be getting anywhere killing bad bacteria with all the herbs recommended, a complex of oregano, uva ursi, allicin, berberine....etc.... Nothing seems to be changing or improving after 10 months.
I had a colonoscopy which showed a normal colon but inflammed small intestine at the illeum (junction between small and large). Another diagnostic tool is a Genova test which tests all toxin in blood, my blood shows VERY high elevations of toxins from bad bacteria.
All the signs point to SIBO. The stool test, colonoscopy, and blood test.
What do I do? Do I just wait for it to improve? Do doctors kill off the Citrobacter with more antibiotics? I've seen a health practioner about this who gave me the herbs and interpreted my labs. But, that protocol isn't working. This could head down a very ugly road, and I would perhaps wish I just left Lyme alone and dealt with it.
Please help. thanks