Posted 11/22/2018 1:32 AM (GMT -5)
I am not sure if what I'm experiencing is actually gallbladder related or not. I have SIBO, IBS, and Lyme Disease, however, the SIBO/IBS symptoms are typically not bothersome. Over the past 2 months, I started to lose weight, with random sweats, chills, and fatigue. I all of a sudden developed severe constipation and every night after I ate, I would have severe stomach pain that would require deep breathing to get through it (felt more mid-belly related rather than RUQ). I wrote it off as constipation until one night I had SEVERE pain with nausea, sweating, and chills that lasted for around 8 hours after eating french onion soup. Since tweaking my diet, I haven't had any pain quite as severe, but have burning/gnawing sensations, as well as nausea, feeling generally unwell, diarrhea, and bloating after meals. I can't really tolerate alcohol either. I also used to get severe upper back pain all the time and often have pain and a red line under my bra, but the pain doesn't seem to be coming from there. Is this sounding like a gallbladder issue or something else?
I had a positive Murphy sign, but ultrasound was normal and just had a HIDA scan today, which I am guessing will be normal based on the techs responses (I seemed to be ahead of schedule and the tech said, "I hope they find what's causing your problems" when I left). My question/concern is that the tech had me drink one small box of Ensure in 3 minutes then immediately took the second set of photos (which took 30 minutes), was this done correctly? Everything I'm reading says that they should have waited 45-60 minutes after the Ensure before getting the last shots in. Could doing it so quickly impact the results? I felt a little weak/light headed after the radioactive injection (the skin on my stomach turned bright red), and had some back pain, major stomach gurgling, and very mild stomach pain directly after drinking the Ensure. When leaving is when it really hit me and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I have been in bed ever since with sweating, a headache, mild nausea, and severe cramping, anyone else experience this?
Responses appreciated!