Hey Melissa,
Can'tsay I blame you for wanting to just have a fun day with your family and have what you think is a normal day. It's like people who go out an drink too much, and they know that they are going to pay for it the next day, but they are having fun at the moment and don't want it to end (of course their mind is impaired as well). We all do the same thing from time to time, whether it be in the sun too much, over exercise, don't get enough sleep or whatever. My husband always tells me that I overdo it alot, but that is how I've been for as long as I can remember. I was always very active, Type A personality, always getting involved with things that pushed me too much, but I had a hard time saying "no". Especially when it came to school related functions with my kids. I was PTSO President for 8 years and was on the board ever since my one son was in kindergarten and he will be 20 in September. I took on more and more projects each year, taught piano after school, went to all my kids sports games, plus took care of my neighbors needs as well (mowed lawns, took care of plants and animals) and did the normal daily duties of keeping up my own house with what time I had left in the day. I can't help but think that maybe if I would have slowed down a bit I might not have triggered the disease to become active. My rhuemy says I did nothing to bring it on, that it is is my genes, but when I was diagnosed in March of 2009 I had a year prior to that of complete stress, both physical and mental, and I think my body just caved in. I try to tell other moms that I see that are at their wit's end with their schedules to pay attention to their health and that it is okay to say "no", because let's face it, you and your family will pay the price when you fall apart. Those individuals who talked you into taking on more and more responsiblity will find someone else to do it when you become incompacitated and can't even get out of bed. Boy, I guess I'm on the pity pot too!! Anyways, I hope you feel better and I'm sure your god daughter had the time of her life with you and those memories are important to create. Hope tomorrow is a better day!
Hugs and Angels,
DX- sle and carpal tunnel
RX - plaquenil, prednisone, etolodac, lisiniprol, hormones and lots and lots of vitamins