Posted 10/1/2010 1:36 PM (GMT -5)
Hey I'm new to this site. Still tryna figure out how things work. lol :) Anyways...i was looking for sites where i can talk to people going through the same thing as me. And i found this one. I dont know what I'm suppose to write here. But am really just looking for support.
I am a 20yr old, female. I was diagnosed with SLE just before i turned 18. Although my initial symptoms have all but disappeared. I still am tired alot of the times. So i sleep alot. My family thinks I''m lazy. I try to explain to them that although I may look ok...I still have the disease. But probably "Out of sight, Out of mind" ...Because I'm not psychically in pain..You know?
So i was wondering...anybody else had to deal with this? And how did you approach it?