Hey Everyone!! We did it
! We made it through another busy holiday season!! How are we doing from it? Is their any stories you want to tell that was a highlight to the holidays??
I had a pretty good Nov-Dec. I had a lotstress on week of christmas. Got a phone call that my mom had a heart attack and they found 2 blocked arteries so they put 2 stents in. While they were putting the stents in, she had another heart attack. So needless to say, it was a very scary time for my family but i am happy to say she is now home and resting and doing much better :)! It has caused a minor flair with all the traveling down to FL each weekend but has deffinatly been worth it! Other than that, I have been put on Mobic, and I seem to be on the right medicine cocktail for me to notice an improvement :)!
I look forward to hearing from you all!!!