Hi! Josbome and everyone,
I know just what you mean about the end of the day exhaustion. On the joy filled days I am able to babysit for my 2 1/2 yr. old grandaughter, the after lunch hours are tough. I have been able to structure her routine and 'the rules' to keep her playing in full view while I lay on the couch for an hour. I set up a play corner with a little table and stacked crates as toy shelves in the living room. May I suggest a family meeting with your kids, and husband, and write a "Game Plan/Lesson Plan" for the hour or two before your husband walks in the door? I am a retired nurse/teacher, too and maybe your kids could help you write a plan to make those hours easier on everyone. Give everyone a note pad, a turn to speak, and give you ideas for helping the family support you through this time of the school day. Maybe you could use the same lesson plan format you use for your curriculum. For example:
Problem-> mom too sick and tired between 2-4pm to function and needs rest for her health and wellbeing
Plan-> each child/student to do age appropriate, self directed activity in school room, (could be project on computer, tv time, reading assisgnments, etc), siblings will use buddy system for problems or concerns, ( littlest will ask middler, middler will seek eldest, eldest with punt up to mom, on couch)
Implementation-> using a reward system, an emegency plan in case mom falls asleep, and dad's opiniion as to what needs to happen when he walks through the door to make this work for him, too.
Write rule list with policies and procedures spelled out to post in classroom.
Set up sleep corner for mom, crates stacked up make a wonderful wall for privacy
Evaluation->is the new routine helping, do we need to amend the rules or activity or time, and finally, vote on a family reward if this plan is working, like a family trip to the zoo or movie, or let each family member, (even daddy) pick an activity, perhaps every month, taking turns.
Good luck and keep us posted,