Posted 3/8/2014 10:02 AM (GMT 0)
I've been dealing with the yes/no thing with lupus for about 8 years. Multiple positive and negative ANAs. My insurance won't pay for the test again. I have all symptoms of lupus with others to boot that my doc said could be lupus also. Fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism that hasn't been checked for a while. 8 years ago I was told that it was low, but not low enough for meds. My husband goes to the same doc and his level wasn't even as low as mine, but he was put on the medication. I don't do anything or go anywhere now because I now either pass out or have some form of narcolepsy. I was at the hospital with my son having a check up after a bone marrow transplant. I kept passing out or falling asleep, even while waling and talking with the doctor or my son. It was so embarrassing, especially to my son. It's happened at home too frequently. Twice in my bathroom where I hit the slate tile and broke all of my front teeth. Between having braces that took enamel off of my teeth and the constant dry mouth, and the slate tile; my teeth didn't stand a chance. I was also very sick for about three weeks and had nobody to help me. My long hair matted up very bad! I combed and brushed my hair as long as it could go and cut my hair just above the matts. Not pretty, but will grow out faster. My best friend sent me a beautiful wig, I just have no idea how to put a wig on. Between passing out with no notice, my horrible looking teeth and my hair; going out hasn't been something I'm willing to do. Only to my doc, then pharmacy and straight home. With my mother driving. I'm not about to get behind the wheel of my own car! I need to figure out the specialists I need to see at UMAS. I forgot to mention weight gain as another embarrassing reason to go out. I barely eat anything, but I get no exercise(the pain is to great)! What should I do? Right now? My insurance is in state only so my mother has to drive me twice as far to a city that a city that is twice as large.