Posted 3/25/2015 9:33 PM (GMT -5)
I just had a question about lupus related rashes. For two weeks or so I have had a rash on my cheeks and nose, with it being worse on the cheeks. My question is, has anyone ever had the rash on their face and it peel? It looks almost like it is just wicked dry skin but no moisturizer or exfoliator I have tried has fixed it. It was a bit angry looking and the peeling look has just gotten worse. It wasn't peeling at first, just red and somewhat splotchy.
I honestly didn't even consider it being possibly lupus related prior to seeing the doctor but that seems to be his concern since that is not the only 'symptom' if it even is lupus to begin with.
I am currently waiting for blood work results since I have various other symptoms (of what idk yet) and such and just didn't know I this had happened to anyone else. I was originally diagnosed with fibro last year but am getting another referral to a rheumy because the one I had was terrible. The doc didn't say anything about I being eczema or rosacea so I have no clue what brought this on, which is why he is doing the various tests. Thanks for any input!