I have multipule different symptoms and the Dr is still trying to figure it out. I have an elevated RA count, going to see a rheumetologist in a month. I have numb finger tips and toes, which will turn bluish, purple and red. I have had a facial tremor for over 2yrs, and it has become more frequent, and now my arms and hands have started tremors. I have noticed when this happens I can feel it coming on like an electrical surge in my head and arms. I have also noticed that cold seems to effect it. My face will turn red like a sunburn on my cheecks and nose. I am more forgetful than before. # yrs ago I had a case of vasculitis, that lasted a few months. I also have joint pain and Hoshimotos. I may have forgotten something else I have, I cant remember. If possible some info would be great. Thanks