Posted 2/12/2012 1:30 AM (GMT -5)
For too many three years long I've had a tumor behind each eye. The left eye became stable for the last 2 years. So, my right eye stablized a month ago... and guess what, 2 weeks ago my left eye inflamed from the tumors! I went to the doctor and they didnt believe me... because by the time of course my swollen shut eye opened up. This morning again, woke up eye swollen shut. So you know what I did? I took a couple pics on my camera cell phone and then called the on call rhemy. They told me to come in and get checked.... sooo I go the 2 hour drive (one way) and she goes "wasn't your left eye more open than that?" I was like YEeesssss I got a doctor to believe me. So I showed her the pics, did some tests and all be dang..... I was right! In ur face interns LOL