GreenBeans said...
I suspect you meant to post this in the Lyme forum -- this is the Lupus Forum! ![smile](/community/emoticons/smile.gif)
oh know I kind of posted it in here due to not knowing if my symptoms are due to lyme or lupus lol sry for the confusion. My ana blood panel titer was 1:40 which is lowest positive and homogenous which can indicate lupus. I have thinning dry hair dry skin and these white markings inside my nails. Weigt loss night sweats day sweats anxiety weakness fatigue nausea headaches. Extremely sensitive to the hot and heat/sun. I seem to break out in little hives itchy bumps and these almost dark or purple rashes almost streaks on my thighs legs when in the sun. My doc says it sounds like lupus. I also suffer from POTS low blood pressure