I have pain in my knees that comes and goes. (mostly comes). It is worse when I go up and down stairs or have to stoop down to get something, or try to get out of the car. I have exercised all my life so this is not due to being out of shape. If I don't move,and just sit still then there isn't any pain. I get a rash on my neck that resembles poison ivy. This rash seems to appear on a cyclical basis about every 3-4 weeks, then that goes away. The doc thinks this a a bart rash ( an unusual one, but he thinks it is still bart). Also some pretty heavy night sweats (not every night, a few times a week).
My doc thinks I have Lyme and Bart. I have not tested positive for either but was bitten 2 years ago in a highly endemic area of RI. I am on Azith (500mg 1x day) and Omnicef 250 mg (2x day).
My stomach pains have been resolved ( awful bloating, gas, gurgling, etc)
I have been treated since Sept. 08
Anyone else having these symptoms. Sometimes I think that I really don't have either bart or lyme and am on heavy duty abx for nothing.