My dog toto got lyme in 2004 when he was 6 mos old.
My daughter lilly who was 11 mos and my daughter charlotte who was six, and I was 40.
Lilly got on amoxy, me doxy, and Charlotte never got treated becuase she never got a rash, but now has full blown cronic lyme.
Toto came back positive for lyme only when he was almost two.
He was put on 400 mg of doxy, oddly my same dosage..he is 15 pounds and I am 145.
Anyways...he got teeth of an old dog..he could not jump, he would star at the ground. Everyone would ask me what was wrong with him.
But I understood ho0w he felt.
At his last dr.s app he tested negative for lyme.
I took him with me to Arizona to be with me during my new treatment. I am so sad that he did not make it long enough for me to figure out to be ablle to give him...since my meds now work for me..
He had such a hard time being in the heat and eating and wanted to sleep by my bed all day and night. We were perfect for each other. He and I in my freezing dark room lying in bed. That is the only way that we fet good.
Anyone else or stress or light or heat was too much.
I miss him so much and am still crying over him. Now I have to get my kids better. This lyme turns you or your animals into old men and women over night..really old..like 95