Posted 12/14/2008 3:02 AM (GMT -5)
Have your eyes checked every six months when on plaquenil although it is very rare to have any problems at the dose you are on.
Both Ceftin and Mepron have headache pretty high on the list as a possible side effect.
Is the headache in the morning after you wake up? Right now humidifiers in bedrooms help with the dry air which tends to make our sinuses hurt and cause headaches. Maybe some saline spray? Are you snoring or short on oxygen? Is your neck tense? Can you get someone to give your neck and forehead a massage (in my case, good luck.....
Heachaches are tough to figure out so sometimes you just treat symptomatically. If it persists too long, talk to doctor.
Try some alleve or I use maxalt occassionally when it is heading towards a migraine and it really works. In the past migraines and bad headaches were one of my symptoms and getting the headache under control before it got bad works best. Still a good strategy when I do get the occasional one.
Or maybe it means you are having a herx.....Hope you feel better and try not to worry too much. Strange sensations are par for the course in this whole deal.