georgiagirl said...
Hey Kim!
I have been on Flagyl before. But lately my doc. will give me 5 days of it occationally. It made me very sick last time . I guess that ment it was working because when I stopped it I got even better. I have also been on a very strict candida diet and occational diflucan and nystatin. I have much more energy. I will start ambian cr today in hopes to get more sleep. I did 5 mos. of rocephin also. Right now i'm only on the IV rocephin. Just trying to see where i'm at.... I can't take zith.... wish I could.
Not sure what's next, just waiting on the doc. to decide for me.
My current symptoms are neuropothy, weakness and delay in my hands and feet, stiff neck,brain fog fatigue, inner tremmors and twitches, insomnia, hyper reflexes, arthritis and joint pain.Mostl of these have improved with IV though.
GG, this may sound like a very odd reccomendation for isomnia treatment, but I had it for the first 1.5 years I was sick and undiagnosed, and the only thing that's ever actually made a real difference was garlic. I have absolutely no idea why.
For quite a while I never even made the connection between how the insomnia would come back within just a few days whenever I stopped the garlic. Freeze-dried or fresh are the only two that have this effect. Fresh is dirt cheap, so I've switched to that. Seems to require a lot to help though, 7-8 grams of freeze-dried or close to a whole bulb of fresh (crush it really good first though).
Hey you're in the Atlanta area, right? I'm in Douglasville (near Six Flags).